torsdag 2. januar 2014

What's that gossip about you said?
January 2nd 2014

You are on and about, rather enjoying yourself actually. Then it happens, that silly old bitch down in the neighbourhood has to start a new round of gossip. You try to ignore it.... but no, you got to listen, even how silly it is. 

onsdag 1. januar 2014

King Tiny
January 1st
When the weather is perfect King Tiny like to take advantage of his legs and take himself for a walk. To be honest he actually likes to head out for a walk on most days, as long as his fur will stay mostly dry, mud free and not to shaken up by the wind.
Mr Purr
December 31th
These days we unfortunately do not see to much of Mr Purr, as a certain cat is busy working the perimeters. This is an important job Mr Purr takes very seriously, but off course, he always look his best amazing self.